Note to Frequency Calculator
If you want to calculate the frequency of a note in reference you can use the following calculator. Again you can change the reference pitch if you need to. The frequencies of the notes of the 8 registers of a piano in standard tuning are listed in a table below.
Which frequency is which note?
In the table below you will find the musical notes of the 8 registers of a piano and their respective frequency in Hertz, based on A4 = 440 Hz. A440 is the standard pitch in music and the following frequencies are based on the 12-TET equal temperament.
0C 16 C# 17 D 18 D# 20 E 21 F 22 F# 23 G 25 G# 26 A 28 A# 29 B 31 |
1C 33 C# 35 D 37 D# 39 E 41 F 44 F# 46 G 49 G# 52 A 55 A# 58 B 62 |
2C 65 C# 69 D 73 D# 78 E 82 F 87 F# 93 G 98 G# 104 A 110 A# 117 B 124 |
3C 131 C# 139 D 147 D# 156 E 165 F 175 F# 185 G 196 G# 208 A 220 A# 233 B 247 |
4C 262 C# 278 D 294 D# 311 E 330 F 349 F# 370 G 392 G# 415 A 440 A# 466 B 494 |
5C 523 C# 554 D 587 D# 622 E 659 F 699 F# 740 G 784 G# 831 A 880 A# 932 B 988 |
6C 1047 C# 1109 D 1175 D# 1245 E 1319 F 1397 F# 1475 G 1568 G# 1661 A 1760 A# 1865 B 1976 |
7C 2093 C# 2218 D 2349 D# 2489 E 2637 F 2794 F# 2960 G 3136 G# 3322 A 3520 A# 3729 B 3951 |
8C 4186 C# 4435 D 4699 D# 4978 E 5274 F 5588 F# 5920 G 6272 G# 6645 A 7040 A# 7459 B 7902 |
Muchas gracias!.
I would like to credit someone with this in my bibliography, whom may I credit?
Thank you! That annoying TV noise is a slightly flat B9. Mystery solved.
what the hel is flat b9. B flat?
bflat is a#
Steve’s TV “hel” noise is a close, but lower-pitched 9th octave B. Mystery solved again!
B of 9th octave, but slightly less hz
Im nerding out over this
May the wisdom of sound be understood by all those who will listen!
May the wisdom of sound be heard by all those who listen!
thanks for the informative details
muy inteligente