Note to Frequency Calculator

If you want to calculate the frequency of a note in reference you can use the following calculator. Again you can change the reference pitch if you need to. The frequencies of the notes of the 8 registers of a piano in standard tuning are listed in a table below.

Which frequency is which note?

In the table below you will find the musical notes of the 8 registers of a piano and their respective frequency in Hertz, based on A4 = 440 Hz. A440 is the standard pitch in music and the following frequencies are based on the 12-TET equal temperament.


C  16
C# 17
D  18
D# 20
E  21
F  22
F# 23
G  25
G# 26
A  28
A# 29
B  31


C  33
C# 35
D  37
D# 39
E  41
F  44
F# 46
G  49
G# 52
A  55
A# 58
B  62


C   65
C#  69
D   73
D#  78
E   82
F   87
F#  93
G   98
G# 104
A  110
A# 117
B  124


C  131
C# 139
D  147
D# 156
E  165
F  175
F# 185
G  196
G# 208
A  220
A# 233
B  247


C  262
C# 278
D  294
D# 311
E  330
F  349
F# 370
G  392
G# 415
A  440
A# 466
B  494


C  523
C# 554
D  587
D# 622
E  659
F  699
F# 740
G  784
G# 831
A  880
A# 932
B  988


C  1047
C# 1109
D  1175
D# 1245
E  1319
F  1397
F# 1475
G  1568
G# 1661
A  1760
A# 1865
B  1976


C  2093
C# 2218
D  2349
D# 2489
E  2637
F  2794
F# 2960
G  3136
G# 3322
A  3520
A# 3729
B  3951


C  4186
C# 4435
D  4699
D# 4978
E  5274
F  5588
F# 5920
G  6272
G# 6645
A  7040
A# 7459
B  7902

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. alfonsofonso

    very nice! it’d be nicer if we could choose the tipe of intonation, not just the tempered tuning.

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